THE PUDDLE - a picture that has appeared on a child care magazine cover, inside several magazines and on TV. Why ? Because it's funny and natural. I try and follow the advice of magazines to keen photographers - always carry a camera if you can. This was a number of years ago, the kids then being about 7 and 5. We were walking in the country and the lads were jumping in puddles. We had said to be careful as they might fall. My wife had said that if one of them fell in a puddle, then he would walk home. Guess what ? I was so amazed as the eldest went full length that I'm ashamed to say I forgot the camera and was 'having a word with him' when the wife said "PICTURE !" This was the one and only grab shot, then the situation had gone. the camera was a Pentax ME Super on auto - there is nothing wrong with auto, or program settings, they often improve chances of a good spontaneous shot. The lens was a standard 50 mm if I remember correctly. The moral - BE READY !!!